It’s Not Just a Haircut—It’s A Life Experience
It was 2011, and Dwight Grant was having an identity crisis.
Fort Hunt Little League
Fall registration for Fort Hunt Little League is open.
‘Putting a Face to Those who Protect Our Community’
Centreville communities celebrate National Night Out.
“National Night Out is a good reminder of why we serve and the tremendous support we have from our community – and it’s just fun.” — Capt. Shawn Adcock, FCPD’s Special Operations Division
Inalienable Rights
Virginian Thomas Jefferson was a young man when he penned the words expressed among political philosophers of the time that there were natural rights “endowed by their creator” that all persons possess. His phrase in the Declaration of Independence that preceded that assertion, “all men are created equal,” gained the most notice and debate even until today.
Memorial Benefit Concert
In Memory of Phil Bolin
The family of Phil Bolin would like to invite you to a Memorial Benefit Concert
Divided Government in an Off-Off Year
Democrats want to take the House; Republicans want to take the Senate.
"I think there's a sense that people want one house to check the other. They don't want total control in both Houses." — Former Gov. Doug Wilder
Storm damage Aug 7
ROUND TWO – Residents on N. Pitt Street saw trees come down amid the high winds and tornado watch issued for the region Aug. 7.
New Lorton Police Station Commander Named
Station nears opening in Fall
Station nears opening in Fall
Opinion/Letter: There Is No Budget Surplus
School Budget
Bandaid Approaches to Food Insecurity
School system extends summer food program at public school sites.
School food program
Forty-four of the Nation’s Highest Poverty Schools in FCPS
These schools serve free breakfast and lunch to all students
Northern Virginia Family Service Back2School Drive Collects School Supplies for Students in Need
Back to school
Scholarships Awarded to Affordable Housing Residents
Affordable Housing Community for Senior Citizens
Groundbreaking held for The Lodge at Autumn Willow.
Speeches have been made, shovelfuls of dirt have been flung and construction is now underway for The Lodge at Autumn Willow in Chantilly. But it’s not just any residential project – it’ll provide high-quality apartments for senior citizens at prices they can afford.
Retiring But Not Quitting
The most common question I get these days is “how does it feel to be retired?”
Development Brings ‘Human Cost to Our Families’
Residents grill county staff about data center impacts.
Residents grill county staff about data center impacts.