Fairfax Station/Lorton/Clifton HomeLifeStyle

Fairfax Station/Lorton/Clifton HomeLifeStyle


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Environment Expo Examines Local Challenges

Event gets participants involved.

Mount Vernon looks at environment

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Talking and Knitting Go Far at The Yarn Barn

Problems solved, pizzas eaten and socks made in Burke shop.

Yarn Barn in Burke

Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton Home Sales: March, 2018

In March, 2018, 70 homes sold between $1,240,000-$146,000 in the Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton area.

Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton Home Sales: March, 2018

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Four Homes to See at Clifton Homes Tour and Silent Auction

The 46th annual event is set for May 18.

Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton Home Sales: February, 2018

In February, 2018, 57 homes sold between $1,270,000-$152,000 in the Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton area.

Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton Home Sales: February, 2018

Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton Home Sales: January, 2018

In January, 2018, 36 homes sold between $1,210,000-$150,000 in the Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton area.

Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton Home Sales: January, 2018

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History with Ghost Stories

Clifton Homes Tour this Saturday.

Clifton Homes Tour

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Students Read Letters to Veterans in Springfield

Veterans Day celebrated at Hunt Valley Elementary.

Veterans Day celebrated at Hunt Valley Elementary.

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If a Tree Falls on the Road …

Although drivers and trees avoid each other, a fall could be fatal.

Roadside trees

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Library Jubilee at Pohick Library

250 people help raise $120,000 in fundraiser for Fairfax County Library.

Pohick Library jubilee

Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton Home Sales: August, 2017

In August, 2017, 94 homes sold between $1,250,000-$198,000 in the Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton area.

Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton Home Sales: August, 2017

Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton Home Sales: July, 2017

In July, 2017, 98 homes sold between $1,300,000-$147,000 in the Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton area.

Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton Home Sales: July, 2017

Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton Home Sales: June, 2017

In June, 2017, 123 homes sold between $2,646,329-$181,100 in the Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton area.

Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton Home Sales: June, 2017