Opinion: Commentary: Calling for New Fairfax County Police Chief Search
ACLU People Power Fairfax joins the Fairfax County NAACP in calling for a new search to fill the Fairfax County Police Chief position, this time with community involvement in the vetting process.
Opinion: Column: "My Thoughts to Your Thoughts"
You know the expression: "Can't walk and chew gum at the same time,” a disparaging characterization of a person, company or municipality unable to multi-task or even task at all?
Opinion: Column: Wanna Take A Chance?
I'm sort of invoking Southwest Airlines here, but not exactly.
Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Spiritual, Societal and Medical Benefits of Fasting
It is a month of Ramadan and all healthy Muslims will be fasting from dawn to Sunset.
Opinion: Column: Hitting The Nail on the Head
What are all these "Toe Nail Clipper" emails I receive nearly every day?
Opinion: Commentary: Earth Day – Then and Now
Fifty-one years ago, in 1970, the first Earth Day took place on April 22.
Opinion: Column: Being Driven Only Slightly Crazy
So this is what it's like to be out of the house and driving around: mask on, surgical gloves in the console, hand sanitizer in the glove box; not so different than before my two Covid-19 vaccinations.
Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Making a Path to Acceptance a Bit Easier
I'm a parent to a transgender daughter in fifth grade in FCPS.
Opinion: Column: Good News Travels Slowly
Sure enough, the email from my oncologist didn't arrive in my inbox before we left for the weekend away on Friday.
Opinion: Column: Time Will Tell
Ordinarily, I'd be writing this column this weekend – after this week's events.
Opinion: Commentary: Pandemic Shows Workers Need a Voice in Fairfax County
As county employees, we work tirelessly to provide essential services, often behind the scenes, to make sure our county continues to run and families get what they need during this difficult time.
Opinion: Column: A Shot in the Arm
Literally and figuratively.
Opinion: Editorial: We Still Need Your Help
We all need community newspapers; community newspapers need your help.
A year later, Covid continues to be the most compelling, most local issue that we face.
Opinion: Column: “Cancerversary”
I realize I'm cancer-centric, especially in these columns, but for some reason that centricity didn't acknowledge my February 27th cancer anniversary.