South County Girls’ Lacrosse Team Wins Championship
Colts score tie breaking goal with one minute left.
It was anyone’s game on Sunday, June 8, at Great Falls Nike Park in Herndon. The South County Athletic Association and the Prince William Royals lacrosse G5/6 teams, girls in grades 5 and 6, were both undefeated coming into this championship game.
What’s Offensive about Redskins Pride?
Absolutely nothing, if you’re state Sen. Chap Petersen.
A lifelong Redskins fan, Fairfax state Sen. Chap Petersen (D-34) has had it up to here with all the talk about the need to change the name of his beloved football team. He vented his frustration and indignation on his blog — Ox Road South — but said he was leery of tackling what he deemed the forces of political correctness in the "War Against the Redskins" until June 18, when the Federal Patent Office blocked the team’s Redskins trademarks, declaring that the name was "disparaging" to Native Americans at the time the trademarks were registered — as far back as 1967. That action pushed Petersen off the sidelines to lead an offensive attack.
Fairfax County Retired Educators Award Scholarships
Seven aspiring educators from Fairfax County receive awards.
Aspiring educators from across Fairfax County were honored for their accomplishments and presented with scholarships to help them begin their teaching careers at a luncheon and ceremony held by the Fairfax County Retired Educators on June 12 in Fairfax. Every year, FCRE awards students interested in teaching careers with $2,000 scholarships. This year, the seven students were either graduates or soon-to-be graduates of high schools throughout Fairfax County, including Robinson, Lake Braddock, West Springfield, Marshall, Mclean and James Madison.
Cross County Trail Renamed to Honor Rep. Connolly
“Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail” unveiled at ceremony in Lorton.
On National Trails Day on June 7, the Cross County Trail, which goes through each district in Fairfax County, was renamed to the “Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail” in honor of Rep. Connolly’s work to build the trail.
Loving STEM at Silverbrook Elementary
Over 50 students participated in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fair presented by the Silverbrook Elementary School PTO.
Animal Shelter Holds ExtravaCATza!
Residents are invited to visit the Fairfax County Animal Shelter this June to take part in ExtravaCATza!, a celebration of cats and kittens. The shelter’s at 4500 West Ox Road in Fairfax and, all month long, adoption fees on all cats and kittens will be just $10.
Eat. Drink. Pay?
Fairfax County task force debates voters’ appetite for another meals tax referendum.
It has been 22 years since Fairfax County asked voters to approve a tax on restaurant meals, an issue that ignited protests, caused deep divisions among community leaders and threatened to melt down several political careers. The reverberations of that epic failure — what many consider the third rail of county politics — continue to echo in the ears of county politicians.
Opinion: Clearing the Air on New Carbon Standards
The EPA‘s new proposal to safeguard the air we breathe and contain a primary driver of climate change by reducing carbon emissions from existing power plants is the lynchpin to reducing our carbon footprint. As co-chairs of the House Sustainable Energy and Environmental Coalition, we welcome action on carbon pollution and look forward to working with all stakeholders in a responsible manner to advance a 21st century energy economy for America.
Fairfax County is Home to 10 Companies on 2014 Fortune 500 List
Ten Fairfax County-based companies, in industries ranging from defense and technology consulting to financial services and hospitality, hold spots in Fortune magazine’s list of the 500 largest publicly traded companies in the United States. The 2014 Fortune 500 is available online.
Lord and Lady Fairfax Honorees of Lee, Springfield and Braddock
Lords and Ladies of Fairfax Honored by Board of Supervisors
The 2014 Lords and Ladies of Fairfax were recognized in front of the Board of Supervisors on June 3 and presented with certificates honoring them for their dedication to their communities. This tradition, which began in 1984, comes every year with the Celebrate Fairfax Festival, which takes place this year June 6-8.
Chairman of The Washington Times to Speak at GOP Women of Clifton Meeting
The Republican Women of Clifton (RWC) June meeting will feature Tom McDevitt, chairman of The Washington Times, and friends from the Washington Times who will speak on "How to Develop Your Personal Narrative - that Intrigues, Persuades and Motivates others." The event will be on Wednesday, June 18, at the Fairview Elementary School, 5815 Ox Road, Fairfax Station, and will begin at 7 p.m. when refreshments will be served. President Alice Butler-Short will open the business meeting at 7:30 p.m., after which the speakers will present their topics and answer questions.
Wild Horses Offered for Adoption in Lorton
The U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will offer approximately 40 wild horses ranging from yearling to 5 years old to potential adopters on June 20-21, 2014, at the Meadowood Recreation Area, located at 10406 Gunston Road, in Lorton.
Springfield Girl Scouts Campaign for Suffragist Memorial
On Saturday, May 17, the Girl Scouts of Troop 707 of Springfield manned a booth at the Occoquan River Festival for the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial (TPSM).
100 New Citizens Welcomed in Fairfax County
New citizens welcomed at Naturalization Ceremony of the Fairfax County Asian American History Project.
New American citizens started off their Memorial Day Weekend in a very patriotic way: celebrating their newfound American Citizenship through a naturalization ceremony.
Sharing A Passion for STEM
Summer Keating of Fairfax Station starts STEMaze group.
Summer Keating is only in sixth grade at Silverbrook Elementary School, but the 11-year-old Fairfax Station resident is already sharing her passion for science and math with the community. “We don't do enough hands-on science, there is too much work for SOLs,” Summer said. “When we do science, it’s not as creative as I would like.”