December 31, 2012
Lights out at 10 p.m.: More than 130 members of Burke United Methodist Church volunteered during the church’s Hypothermia Prevention Week in December, helping to transport, feed and care for clients. The BUMC shelter opened at 5:30 p.m. and closed at 7 a.m. Lights go out every night at 10 p.m., and volunteers take shifts to watch over clients as they sleep.
Stories this photo appears in:
Coming in From The Cold
A night at Burke United Methodist Church’s hypothermia prevention shelter.
Musa L. gently draped a blanket over his wife, and promised her the new year would be better for both of them. She was sleeping on a foam pallet at the Burke United Methodist Church. Musa and his wife were among nearly 40 homeless adults seeking shelter from the frigid temperatures at the church on Friday, Dec. 21.
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